Travel & Stay

Lodging Recommendations

We have special pricing for our guests
at Vib Hotel in Rino.

3560 Brighton Blvd Denver, CO 80216
$169 a night — book by May 8, 2024.

Make a reservation using this link
or by calling 720-844-3100
and ask for the Jacob and Evans Wedding.
Rooms are limited.

There are also a number of cool hotels and
Airbnbs around the city.
Here are a few we recommend:

The Source
The Ramble
The Maven

We recommend staying in the Rino or Five Points neighborhoods for proximity to wedding weekend events and suggested things to do while you’re in town.

Travel Recommendations

If you are planning to stay in the city during your stay, we recommend taking the train or an Uber or Lyft from the airport and walking or taking an Uber or Lyft to your hotel from either the 38th & Blake Station or Union Station. The train costs $10 per person and takes a little over half an hour to get to the city. It’s our preferred way of getting to/from the airport. While you’re in town, it’s easy to get around by taking a short Uber or Lyft ride.

If you want to go on a hike or explore more of the mountains, we recommend renting a car at the airport.